
Stephen once ate a whole banana... with his butt.

We're noobs to the greatest factor.

If anyone sees Rada tell him "Jajajajaja!!!"

almost 12 years
Yeah...totally...if I was a pubescent teenager from the 1990s.
almost 12 years
Tend? TEND! I think you mean totally.
almost 12 years
I tend to agree
almost 12 years
Stephen doesn't know anything good.
almost 12 years
I started watching Season 3 of Breaking Bad and then gave up. Now it is Community for me.
almost 12 years
I have resorted to watching Breaking Bad on Netflix endlessly to replace the Olympics. The last 3 episodes of season 4, viewed in one chunk, is one of the best self-contained (somewhat) storylines of the show.
almost 12 years
Porn is usually on late at night.
almost 12 years
You think you are a night owl? Welcome to my career!
almost 12 years
olympics are over i so sad ;_; i love the olympics i watch them every night ;_; and i am a night owl in the US so i like being able to watch live sporting events in the middle of the night ... now there is nothing on at this hour except infomercials and sports highlights shows stuck on repeat
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
One person mentions rape in this family and you all go silent!
almost 12 years
Who are you trying to rape??
almost 12 years
i dunno. i just thought i heard something so i came running
almost 12 years
What about rape now??
almost 12 years
did somebody say..... RAAAAPE???
almost 12 years
It`s not secret...
almost 12 years
secretly I do.
almost 12 years
So you feel good.
almost 12 years
Now I feel violated. RAPE.
almost 12 years
I would like to see right thru your clothes sexy beast.
almost 12 years
Ninja....you see right thru me.
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
no...not really.
almost 12 years
You looking for someone to disagree with that??
almost 12 years
Probably....because I suck at life.