Mission: Illogical


Proving time and time again that logic is a dangerous weapon!

Members 1

deletedalmost 14 years
Negbomb TOMEO please, he's been fucking up my games for too long now :P
deletedalmost 14 years
Oh btw, I'm off to Turkey tomorrow. Gonna be on EM a lot less than usual. Maybe one or two games per week ... that's a max. Life's to good there to be playing this :D
almost 14 years
Same as Dioon here. GMT +1, usually on somewhere between 1 to 5 PM.
deletedalmost 14 years
GMT +1 over here I think, Amsterdam timezone. I'm on whenever XD
almost 14 years
And that's a complete lie, I'll probably be on closer to 5~6. Me and my procrastination, you know.
almost 14 years
So yeah, class has started, and I'll be on less now :( What time are you guys on? With timezones, please, we're kinda international here :D If I can, I'll probably be on about 9:00 PM USA Central (-6 GMT)
almost 14 years
That's the best excuse ever Dioon :p
almost 14 years
JDioon, yes, yes you do :D
deletedalmost 14 years
I NEVER fuck up! I fail intentionally XD
almost 14 years
Yay! Family is full! Welcome to the team, NightTime!
almost 14 years
I don't fuck up a lot :(

I just do so occasionally, like everybody else :(
almost 14 years
JDioon, I need proof that I have such an evil cat. :D
deletedalmost 14 years
You fuck up a lot, Bruce XD
almost 14 years
Nah I'll be joining :D Just a game +k'd you.
almost 14 years
I just fucked up BADLY in a game with Nighttime. So I'm suspecting she'll be hesitant to join a family with me in it. My god, I don't think I've fucked up this bad since I started playing.
almost 14 years
I also like NightTime, I will speak with this person.
deletedalmost 14 years
Omega, you might wanna look into NightTime, good dude/girl and a decent player. Also, I like him/her :P
almost 14 years
BTW, jDioon, I love this avvie, but the baby one is just CREEPY.
almost 14 years
Cosmo, I don't know. You're "alt" or whatever never struck me as fitting.
almost 14 years
i can join? :P
almost 14 years
I like the avvy!!
almost 14 years
This'll work for a stop-gap measure. When I'm really bored in class I'll make that exploding lightbulb, and see what you guys think.
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
OUR FAMILY IS AWESOME. Avvie to come. Yes, I'm lazy.