
Close to that honky tonky

I love him in a way that no one could ever imagine. He's an interesting guy, hard to get and hard to understand. His words are funny, but the true meaning of it maybe cursing you.

After since he's turned into an adult, his words are... let me say it like this. You cannot find a comeback to most of his words. Speechless. Thats why i'm always changing the subject when i talk to him.

I have regretted making this account before. But after a while, it seems like i was regretting on something pretty stupid. I love PE, and i would like everyone to know how much i love him.

Fact's about Me/PE: -PE is a guy (I hope) -I'm not a guy -PE doesn't trust me -I trust PE -PE was bald, but seems like he have hairs now -PE likes me to shave all my hairs off and be bald -I'll never be bald even if it makes me look cute -PE have gay lurvers and I'm jealous of them (Yes, You Lio && jiafl000) -PE kinda have the same music taste as me. But mine is probably better. - Did you know that, PE was actually the person who made the av. I'm too stupid to make it myself :(

Note to everyone: I'm PE's whore. So no one cc please! :D