
part of  family

conservative liberal

I speak Polish so you can guise test me on that if you want. I lurk as a blue very often. I swear every game. Funny masons are funny. Epic leading. I've fucked everyone as hooker.


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
lol you've plussed my alt as well for that reason XD. returned.
deletedabout 13 years
What are you talking about? 3 mafia (counting fool), 6 towns = 9 MAF KILLS 3 mafia (counting fool), 5 towns = 8 At this point it is mylo. Why? if town lynches wrongly, 4 towns. Mafia then kill at night. 3 towns. 3 mafia, 3 towns, Mafia wins.

If Town does not lynch, it ends up 4 town, 3 mafia.

How are you so bad with 9000 points? Embarrassing, really.
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
Man kinda sorry for getting u lynched =/ it just seemed so impossible to me that a player good like you would suggest that as town. But you were right, you kinda soft claimed doc, i shoulda paused and ask for CCs.
about 13 years
+K is cool :D
about 13 years
Idk why you plussed me, but sure here is some back.
about 13 years
Thanks! Returned. Horrible set of games there lol.
deletedabout 13 years
+4 karma for pogo the clown
about 13 years
No siema! :D
Świetny avatar!
about 13 years
You too, bro.
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
Czyli to ze ty zauwazyles oznacza ze jest fatalnie z moja. :P
about 13 years
WAHEY. Nie zauwazylem. :'D Coraz wiecej polakow tu spotykam. +K
about 13 years
Returned the favor :)
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Returned. :)
about 13 years
Hi i was in that game with where rednoselegion4 was cheating and i turned it unranked so you did not lose your heart for the game anyways i found out that both RedNose and rednoselegion4 were win trading and i have reported them both for it so they both should be getting banned for it.
link to my report on them
deletedabout 13 years
Plus k for convincing me to do it.