

I'm a TV addict. I especially like The Office, Lost, Modern Family, House and Arrested Development.

I try not to curse on here because it annoys me when others do it. So if I'm cursing up a storm, I'm probably guised.

over 13 years
did you return? =)
over 13 years
haha, thanks, returned
deletedover 13 years
+k'd and sent a request. :)
over 13 years
Finally got enough points to +K peeps.

over 13 years
+k'd for 3 way lylo with you as cop, doc alive, and me as nilla maf. you called gf out for ccing vig who got lynched day before, and investigated me with the last guilty (also day before, when miller had already died n1). good instincts and good leading as cop, i like +king the winning team when they deserve it
over 13 years
+K for pro town
over 13 years
+K for not being kate
deletedover 13 years
+k well played 3 way lylo
over 13 years
+k for u, gg we got until i got sucky lol
over 13 years
+K for dat gg
deletedover 13 years
That last game was epic. I'm going to sign onto my alt in a minute and +k you for it.
over 13 years
Hehe, thanks :3
If +K you for that BUT I LACK THE POINTS.
I had fun
over 13 years
+k !!!
over 13 years
+K'd, I don't like negative karma. :)