


about 13 years
unders sup. we are unbanned
over 13 years
unders! where have you been? how come you don't play anymore?
deletedalmost 14 years
Goodbye Unders.
almost 14 years
I like you. +4K
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
you are the best
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+kd for a good job. :D
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks :) returned
almost 14 years
Oh you are so funny. What do you want in it?
almost 14 years
BRO. also garyoak probably has all our names written on a paper and suspend us whenever he is on.
almost 14 years
Well Hello there new friend = )
almost 14 years
lol +k. but its not lovesex, its lovex but i'll answer to either lol
almost 14 years
+k and such
almost 14 years
Till midnight to post some sort of reasoning, like Zealot did. Please reference the games you were banned for as well.
almost 14 years
Actually don't have you negged but ok, thanks for the advice.
almost 14 years
+k so you can post on the forums
deletedalmost 14 years
woah, i managed to give you +6k :D from will and william mckenzie :P
almost 14 years
plus kay