I didnt throw the game he was my fos, i didnt trust him, sorry. but I wasnt alive at the end and i handed you two mafia, the neg was totally unnecessary, I'm sorry i was wrong but I'm not the one who vote him.....
If someone can suggest this as a role, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
The potato is a town-sided role. Every night, it chooses one person that it believes will be lynched the next day. If that person is lynched, they appear to have "turned into a vegetable". At this point, the day's timer resets, and a new lynch must start that day, as if the day had restarted with the one less person. The person turning into a vegetable will never cause the game to turn unranked.
(If you have suggestions for improving this role, please comment with them! I would also appreciate icons as well. Thanks!)
negged for vegging as a CLEAR in a mylo/lylo situation just because you didn't want the hammer. stay out of ranked until you really feel ready. it's not fair to waste an hour of everyone's time like that.