

Having a good time!

If you decide to +k me, i will tend to return the favor :)

As a quick guisetest, ask me to speak finnish and write ~constantly~ with scandinavian letters.

You should also check this game called Book of living magic by Jonas Kyratzes, it has such an amaizing story.

almost 12 years
not much yo! hbu?
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
hey man! long time no see
about 12 years
Thanks man, I'd return but I can not give karma as of yet
about 12 years
+k back!
about 12 years
+k for being Frozeni XD
deletedover 12 years
Hi. When you're in a ranked/competitive game, make sure you participate more. You being away for most of a game makes it less enjoyable and more difficult for the others in your game.
over 12 years
Hey, you're alive!
deletedalmost 13 years
I saw your comment in my family. Plussed. :)
about 13 years
+k'd you;)
about 13 years
+k, well played sir
about 13 years
+K county of nokia
about 13 years
+'d for great guising
about 13 years
Awesome guising, just be careful with the profiles, and I use almost always capital I. But, damn, you nailed me.
about 13 years
haha thnx +k returned, not many players appreciate my methods *cough*jumpyjunpei*cough* but it pulls through good ^_^
about 13 years
Could you just explain why you negged me??? I was playing normally. I faked a guilty on you, its a normal strategy, then you come with this meta shit on me and then neg me??? what's your problem with me???
deletedabout 13 years
Yeah. I would plus you, but I already have! :D
deletedabout 13 years
+k cool mafia partner
deletedabout 13 years
Kiitti :)
about 13 years
And plussed in return. Don't neg for mason hating lol :))