I really wish I could stop playing this game. Everyone that plays it is a jackass with an inflated ego and no real talent. If you're reading this you probably came here to neg me for insulting you or because you think you're better than me (which you aren't, you're a dipshit), so go ahead. I couldn't give a shit about your infantile opinions or your retarded thought processes and I do not like arguing with idiots.
deletedover 13 years
well shit, now this makes me feel worse.
deletedover 13 years
I'm gonna quote your bio because it makes me feel better about myself.
i reread that game... and it wasn't a grudge-vote... i actually thought it was you and sack because at the time, inno convinced me you were stalker so sack was purposely trying to get lynched because had you been stalker and lynched, it would be autolose...
Souless 2 minutes 9 seconds no i self destructed because i planned on leaving anyways and just wanted to annoying the circle jerk faggots before i left tbh i could have done a better job but i didnt care and i dont understand why you think im mad i honestly am not /// Thank goodness you've got my wall for these things. Enjoy.
deletedover 13 years
Emp says: >15, on way to become National Merit Scholar, amazing academic future yes I'm totally going to get drunk in the near future Beatrix says: Oh god You sound like DrJackShep Emp says: wat Beatrix says: I didn't know He was your alt Emp says: wat Beatrix says: It all makes sense now Emp says: nah Beatrix says: > 22, works out at the gym everyday, diamond abs, going to rule the universe someday Emp says: LOL Beatrix says: Not logging in Emp says: LOL LOL Beatrix says: To get his age. Emp says: SOUNDS LIKE JACK ALRIGHT