
Serving Master Etna

I am LordPrinny, the lord of all Prinnies!

For guise test, ask me about Kingdom Hearts and/or Yu Yu Hakusho.

I don't play this game 4srs, it's just for fun.

Also, everybody needs to get on the bandwagon. NO BRAKES!

almost 14 years
Oh and don't worry about the last game heh..I dont mind, not a big big deal since it was unranked, I dont take the unranked games that seriously x]
almost 14 years
Ya I got Disgaea 3, I played it for awhile. Haven't beat it though, I also got the 4th one in japanese. The 4th is suppose to come out in like September in the US. so I'll have the US version of that.
almost 14 years
lol when there is a thief in the same setup as gunsmith, dont say all guns to me xD because what happend just now is the thief stole my gun and killed me either that or Maf knew I'd get a gun or something... so ya...lol but I was about to gun you! but I died D:
almost 14 years
I meant *but also lol because ya Imma hardcore fan of both
almost 14 years
zomg I <3 Kingdom hearts not only your a fan of Disgaea but only KH? Like...omfg <333333