

ok, so if u want to +/- k me, let me know why :)

i don't do mech tests-are just awful. for guise tests ask me if we played before, i might remember u, lol :)

i tend to get pretty mad if u lynch me as a townie, especially on lylo and i often swear so chill out, don't take it personally.

i hate it when townies don't pay attention and bw.

if we are maf partners pls don't whisper me things cause it might leak and i may not manage the situation.

i'm kinda new to these setups ongoing, i mean i've played em for a while but i avoided complex setups, don't jump into conclusions, so i might lurk. don't get mad and whine about oh, the training lobby, oh i miss bronze or whatever lobby. stfu and remember u were a noob once.

i <3 this game in real life!

over 13 years
Finally I can give you your well deserved +k! :)
over 13 years
You will get your K when I am able to give it :D
deletedover 13 years
+K for being beautiful, not being mean to me this week, and for playing a couple of great games tonight!
almost 14 years
Hey there, here's some +k, please return!
almost 14 years
+K 4 a good game :D
almost 14 years
Hey, that's really cool. TBH, me and taco wanted to get rid of you as mafs since d2, but we had to get those clears off. Really good scumhunting as bp, I remember you said "I think it's cyclops and taco". Damn!
almost 14 years
+k'd to offset crazy neg. even the others didn't object to that.
almost 14 years
-k for agreeing to be lynched on 5-way lylo as hunter.
deletedalmost 14 years
negged because I want you at 22 karma.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
and +k back you <3
deletedalmost 14 years
aw thank youuuu! <3
almost 14 years
hey can u please +k my role? thanks! http://www.epicmafia.com/role/965
almost 14 years
+2 puppe
almost 14 years
+K great last game! Glad that we got it all figured out in the last round!
almost 14 years
Well played! +K
almost 14 years
Returned =3
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd you. Please return the favor.
about 14 years
k+ for a series of enticing and thrilling games =)
about 14 years
THANKS :D your a saint on the internet :)