
in your wet dreams
part of  family

my name is aislinn. i am a MALE, not a female. don't let the name mislead you.


  • my favorite role (hint: mafia)
  • well-known television shows (criminal minds, himym, the office, parks & rec)
  • favorite competitive set up
  • ask me to name 6 or more of my friends with first names in their username
  • ask me what i'm allergic to and why i hate it (hint: starts with c.)
  • ask me what 'fmwar' stands for.
  • ask my friends (first name uns) if i'm guised.<br>
  • ask me the origin and meaning of my name! (hint: c origin, means d.)<br>
  • ask me my middle name (hint: starts with c, ends in r.)<br>
  • ask me what female name i get called very often. (hint: it is similar to my name.)
  • ask me what NOS is and to elaborate.<br>
  • ask me what sport i play, what team of that sport i hate, and a rule of that sport. asking the first question should automatically cause me to answer the rest.
  • if i don't answer this right away, within seconds, then i am guised and should be lynched. normally in guise test situations, i ask to be guised from my profile. PLEASE ASK ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS, NOT JUST ONE.<br>

  • **to verify statements in games with ventriloquist, i use keyboard generated symbols. i like to make hearts as well ☺☻♥

i don't use caps and i use correct spelling and grammar, i gratuitously use "LOL" and "LMAO" and i do not troll games, i just like to have fun while playing seriously. also, i try to be talkative as both maf and town. if i am quiet, i may be lagging or just confused as fuck. i also try to kudos so if i missed a game, you should comment me. i am not a new comp player, but i am not a pro scumhunter either. i don't gamethrow or cheat and i attempt to use logic at all times. i am new to some setups and may ask pre-game/d1 questions on procedure.

if you +k, comment! (i see you silent +kers. comment♥) if you -k, oh well, idc.


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 10Scumhunter
almost 14 years
+k back!
almost 14 years
awww thank you. you know when i get to 2000, i'll +k you <3
almost 14 years
lookin' good sully.
about 14 years
also +k for you ass
about 14 years
jsyk i've been TRYING to invite you but it keeps giving me 502 bad gateway, the same with maddie.
about 14 years
about 14 years
So close Aislara! You've got this!
about 14 years
i say we start our own family since some people like dumbledore's army won't add us.
about 14 years
fixes your -k
about 14 years
i see you have signed in. WHERE ARE YOU.