

Just a guy from a small town looking for a release from the drudge of reality that surrounds him.

about 14 years
I'll +k when I can
about 14 years
sigh that was a really tough game. thanks for believing me. +k btw
deletedabout 14 years
Sorry I took so long in the final decision DoubleChris. I wasn't sure if puntars bussed imma since he seemed so assured of the decision and whether or not Wind was naturally scummy due to his profile page. Puntars always seemed to be a strong player so I was afraid that I was being manipulated in that regard and I didn't want to be misled by something as a pre-game bus on imma who may have been the weaker member on the team. The fact that you fos'sed imma and xWindx and had been sure of imma a day earlier than anyone else made me slightly more confident of the decision. Again thank you and sorry I drew the game out.
about 14 years
well played game as poli +K
deletedabout 14 years
+k'd a bunch. :)
about 14 years
+k for going along with the mafia NK strategy and PWNING lol