
USA :)

Hey! I'm Marlee. :)

My favorite roles are: Anything mafia sided. Town really sucks.

Things to know before you play a game with me: - I can get extremely frustrated with stupid players. This doesn't mean i'm scum, it's just my personality. - I am an extremely defensive person, and most people see this as scummy. - I am not afraid to speak my mind if you're making me angry, or you're just plain stupid.

Annoying? Maybe. Bitchy? Definitely.

♥ xoxox ♥

almost 14 years
+K because you're awesome, and it's obvious you got negbombed. And I don't like seeing my friends with minus karma, so yeah.
almost 14 years
Random +K
almost 14 years
xoxo forgive?
almost 14 years
doesn't matter if we win or lose this game, but you named both maf at 5 way lylo, my mind was blown +k
about 14 years
plussed for being a nice player =)
about 14 years
Hey hey hey! Nice combo as cop+watcher, +k'd.
about 14 years
Sorry lost that for us, I forgot that the nice was a clear and I wasn't ready for that doc save so I forgot to cc as well. Bleh.

That failed from the start really though...
about 14 years
+k because you hold your own.
about 14 years
I was gonna -K cause I thought you were trolling. +K for being cool.
about 14 years
+k for rocking the yakkedness. <3
about 14 years
+k coz you are more than awesome!
deletedabout 14 years
:] Thank youu
I would return but I already have you plussed. :p
deletedabout 14 years
+K. Good game and you helped me win that big time.
about 14 years
you know, i just noticed in the friend box it says 'breakup with ...' just amuses me, and when i get to 2000, i'll +k you
deletedabout 14 years
karma plus 1