

Hi I'm steph.

I'm an anime lover more so a yaoi fangirl.

Something about the forbidden love is really awesome.

Normal romance is so boring... boy meets girl, boy likes girl. <-- boring.

Boy meets boy, boy freaks boy out, boy falls in love with boy that harrasses him... and so many more plot lines. :) exciting cuz "Every yaoi needs a little stockhome syndrome" <-- wtf dont be hating yaoi fangirls.

"Are you fucking kidding? she has a bigger dick than all of them." HAHAHA it's one of those that gets funnier every time you watch it.

lawl!! Oi hahahaha. run run

seriously, if you're gonna -/+ karma give a reason.

Fun fact: Epic mafia's core is identical to Japan's manga "Doubt" even though it has evolved incredibly.

over 13 years
lol that was fast, over 100 points in 2 games... i guess i got lucky with the teams. hehehe.

Nefff it's steph!! >.< *smacks you around* You forgot me?
over 13 years
woot! i can talk now!
deletedover 13 years
> Protip - Get an avi. Players will hate on you in games if you don't.
deletedover 13 years
OHai! I just saw your friend request, but I don't remember playing with you before. Are you someone's alt?
over 13 years

Haven't seen you in ages.

What's up? How's it going?