
part of  family

Thanks to the 3 best players I've ever played with <3.




I am back - and will haunt all of you once more!


almost 11 years
Is it true that you are a cheater?
I'm just too good for this game


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20Do No Harm
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20He's Batman
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
deletedabout 14 years
Well shit, you're alright, but you gotta admit that whole no whispering thing was pretty obvious :O
deletedabout 14 years
returned. :D
about 14 years
returned :)
about 14 years
+kd :)
about 14 years
supporting my vegging thread x)
about 14 years
AWWEYEAH , i dont whore btw :O xD
about 14 years
hiyo + k for you x) plz return xD
about 14 years
so help me to find his alts, ill be very thankful !
about 14 years
wo bist du meine freundin?
about 14 years
I +2k'd you, please return when you can (:
about 14 years
Yes, I really +k'ed you lol so I guess others negged you by some of these comments o.O
deletedabout 14 years
Neg the proven cheater Wendys ( or you're a retarded grandma molestor!
about 14 years
+k back because the server is shitty and it's eaten 15 of my hearts before in 2 days and I always want trophy runners to win "/
about 14 years
-k for dat sui just now
about 14 years
Hey just +k'ed ya ;-)
about 14 years
I shall put you in my bio of people I love and need to +k :-)
deletedabout 14 years
thanks Joleeeeeeeeeeen.
deletedabout 14 years
<33333 lol k
deletedabout 14 years
How many points do I have?
deletedabout 14 years
Good move, don't tell me. That will show me.