

If you're one of them who automaticly believe "active lurking" means mafia, gtfo. I speak when I have something important to say, I'm not going to act like a faggot and buddy up with the clears to make myself seem innocent.

I'm getting kind of annoyed at being -k'd by mad Mafia and stupid people buddying with Mafia as Town.

Also, If you're going to -k me on several accounts, I'd appreciate it if you leave a message so I can -k all your accounts back.

about 14 years
+karma,good game.plz retun
about 14 years
he also has really bad hair
about 14 years
a bad player who breaks rules by metagaming, forcing people to change their profiles so he can find the guiser without bothering to play the game (which he is bad at) hopefully he will be banned soon, until then he should be negged by all.
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
+k'd man!
deletedabout 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return When You Can!
about 14 years
+k for awesome logic!
about 14 years
-k for even thinking about accusing me of meta-gaming.
about 14 years
really awesome :D
over 14 years
Stop playing ranked if you're not going to pay attention. -K