Projectmatt is multi-account cheating, most likely using different IP addresses and the above should be more than enough proof. It's tough to solidly prove this, but I think I did a pretty decent job of putting on some suspicion, what do you think Matt?
Both of your losses were games I threw against you because you are a bully and a thief and you borrow things and never return them then lie about it when I ask and then you cheat and gamethrow and you even out personal information when you're done impersonating them then hack and delete the account to hide the evidence and not get caught. I would just refund all of your wins, but you don't deserve the hearts so I will throw games against you while breaking the game so it can't be refunded. GG no re.
deletedalmost 13 years
Retti 6 hours 40 minutes Let me know when you need me to gamethrow, i'll be there.
deletedalmost 13 years
lol enjoy your lead bro
deletedalmost 13 years
Let me know when you need me to gamethrow, i'll be there.