

Old bio is shit bio. Cleared.

over 14 years
Just a pet peeve. On the internet the only way you have to communicate people is via the words you type. If you fail to use proper grammar and/or spelling you look stupid, regardless if you are or not.
over 14 years
i actually fossed my cc not a random blue
over 14 years
It was one of the weirder experiences I had. I think it was my first trip... maybe after salvia, I don't remember exactly. Walls melted. Peace signs were seen in my eyelids. I ran without moving my arms.
over 14 years
I only have taken it once, but I am on a constant quest to find legit lucy. Most of what I do is mushies.
deletedover 14 years
+k for bros
over 14 years
How bout you hurry the fuck up next time?
over 14 years
over 14 years
i gib u bak
over 14 years
2k for u plz return
deletedover 14 years
you're just angry that I got you. thing is, you were the most likely suspect so stfu.
deletedover 14 years
negged for negging me for randon lynching you
over 14 years
+k for being lovely
over 14 years
+K for the lulz god i hate you
deletedover 14 years
+k for having a heart wasted in that retard game
over 14 years
Sorry dude you dont deserve that
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
basically as i already explained a little in the game, i mainly wanted one more reaction to work with, so if i got her to vote miss she'd have to say something to her defense or against miss. i just like to milk it xD, sorry for weirdness
over 14 years
Returned btw.
over 14 years
Thank you sir.
over 14 years
i got the votes divided, how do u not understand that if u simply switched your vote we instantly won?? you took a much harder path, and im glad we won..but u dropped the ball.