
My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates; I'm pretty fucking gay.

Major Abuser List

  1. Mitra
  2. beryllium/mrBaxterIsDead
  3. Steve
  4. TanB
  5. Erasers & AnonymousSentient
  6. LesbianPirate & Stinky

Leaving this account here for if I ever come back, since I spent money on it less than a week before leaving.

Thanks for playing my setups. :') I've done everything I needed to do.

P.S. Since some people never noticed... my main account is Her. I'm not really gone entirely (that was the plan) but I'm on that account mostly now.


deletedabout 6 years
Do you like GrannyPixel?
Well it seems like she makes a lot of comments at me out of nowhere. Kinda bothers me. So I'll say no, but I don't know her enough to hate her.
about 6 years
hang yourself
k .
about 6 years
Begone Thot
Begone... you. That's an insult in and of itself.
deletedabout 6 years
You're a legend! UwU
How dare you? You're the legend. UwU
about 6 years
do you want me to stop with the m'lord thing?


4 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Objection!
1 / 20He's Batman
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 6 years
me too
about 6 years
ay boi where the banhammer at
about 6 years
Please stop kicking me. I am sorry for whatever I've done to you. Can you explain to me why you hate me so much. Thanks.
about 6 years
hi put me on the bad list or else ill eat ur plants
about 6 years
valkyrie why don't you hate me pls
about 6 years
why would i leave you alone i need to maintain my spot on the hatelist
about 6 years
hi steve your alt is mean
about 6 years
Friends is Trash
about 6 years
Wow I'm offended, I'm not on your hate list.
about 6 years
Can I be on your good list?
about 6 years
put me on the god damn hate list or else i will come to ur house and eat ur couch
about 6 years
What kind of rap lyrics do you think are not ?
about 6 years
I would karma you but no 2000 also the music I listen to isn't like that if you actually bothered to listen.
about 6 years
good girl
about 6 years
about 6 years
I plus k'd u put me on your good list now, k thanks
about 6 years
The only thing humans are equal in is death.
about 6 years
Please take my off of that list. There are people like stinky that deserve to be in my place. Thx.
about 6 years
PoetTree is the alt account of her.
about 6 years
how am i insignificant im gonna end you put my name on the list now or else i will scream at u now! go servant!