
lads on tour
married to 
part of  family


Gabh mo ghaol, gabh mo thìr

Gabh mi far nach urrainn dhomh seasamh

’S coma leam, tha mi saor fhathast

Chan urrainn dhuibh an speur bhuam a gabhail

~~~~~~~~cheeky feature section~~~~~~~~

my beautiful wife mitra sang the most legendary song to exist and i love it u should listen



almost 7 years
where's my video
u only get a video when u admit to being my everyday valentine :/
almost 7 years
yes i agree
almost 7 years
When was the las time that you have sopported le thot.
um never because lo non sopporto le thot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1
about 7 years
she's beauty, she's grace
pretty cat
about 7 years
how do i kill red cyber dogs and steal their cyberwives?? just curious & asking 4 a friend
how do i summon my ancestors and use their powers to murder the dumb bitch asking this question and will never get my beautiful goddess wife ever??? just curious & asking 4 a friend


18 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 25Explosion!
8 / 20He's Batman
7 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
4 / 15New Sheriff in Town
deletedalmost 7 years
marry me, baby
almost 7 years
i lorv slorp
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
tag urself i'm the chocolate egg in slorp's usb port
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
slorp slorp a communist? #NOTMYSLORP
almost 7 years
love the new look x
almost 7 years
hi i would just like to let u know that i lorv u and being ur wife is the best thing ever
almost 7 years
baybee do u like my new avi
almost 7 years
u are so adorable omg

luaidh mo chèile ♡
almost 7 years
friendly reminder that i lorv u
almost 7 years
i lorv u lots
almost 7 years
woof woof cute doggo haha yes u are yes u are woof
almost 7 years
slorp bby luv me
almost 7 years
oh +k didnt kno i didnt do it before rip
almost 7 years
imagine being slorp in 2018
almost 7 years
slorp for president 2020
almost 7 years
i'm sick of your broken promises!!!!
almost 7 years
dog fuker tbh
almost 7 years
Apparently I haven't +k you on this account. Enjoy.