
My mind is being taken
married to 
part of  family

King of Survivor Lobby; anti-weeb; pro scumhunter



over 7 years
hello are you dead? :^)
on the inside...
over 7 years
be my friend pls
done :)
over 7 years
you must be a banana because i find you a-peeling
im sakking with anticipation for your next pun
over 7 years
should i go to bed yet?
Well I am a little late on this, but if you are still up then definitely! If you just woke up, buenos tardes. If it's the afternoon, idk, just pretend this is morning or night.kkkkkkk byeeee


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Scumhunter
19 / 20Clint Eastwood
almost 7 years
shut up
almost 7 years
you lose
deletedalmost 7 years
oh hi thanks for checking in im still a piece of garbage
almost 7 years
omg montecarrlo complimenting me and leaving a comment on my profile?! i’m in love ♡
almost 7 years
i love you, pro scumhunter!
almost 7 years
I love you!
almost 7 years
I use the umbrella to shield myself from the tears of my enemies. Their anguish brings out my canadian, apologetic nature and I'm trying to avoid that.
almost 7 years
Our anthem was a point I was hoping nobody would make because it's awful and nobody I know actually knows it. We make up for by putting maple syrup on snow and eating it with sticks.
almost 7 years
Hope you're happy!
almost 7 years
<3 You Monte
deletedalmost 7 years
become a weeb we have cookies
deletedalmost 7 years
i will be careful weebcarrlo
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
You are a big bully! be nicer!!!
almost 7 years
as much as i would love to be inside you, i have committed my life's work to the HQ
almost 7 years
youre iconic monte i stan you
deletedabout 7 years
no frick u
about 7 years
You played a really good game...
about 7 years
this player is one of the worst ive encountered please f'ucking dodge
deletedabout 7 years
ill selfdelete irl