anonymousover 7 years
can i have your instagram?
I've deactivated Instagram. My new account has no pictures :c
anonymousover 7 years
Omg you are more cute in this profile pic! :o
thanks, I changed it bc Mhmmmm was a h8r
anonymousover 7 years
Why is that skype fake? :c
Probably an honest mistake. Haven't used Skype in so long, so idek what my username and password are.
anonymousover 7 years
I want to be your friend even though we haven't met :P
WE HAVEN'T MET BUT THAT'S OKAYYYY CAUSE YOU WILL BE ASKING FOR ME ONE DAYYYYY. (That's really nice though. Thank you <3 and you can hit me up regardless yo)
deletedover 7 years
hi im shan i herd ur zan
yes hi shan im zan