

Bonjour mes amis~

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WALL OF FAME:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presumably a Person: LeChuck

Work in Progress: Tobi

Hun: XFire1994

Personal Cult Leader: ookami

Most Likely to Be Lucid in Disguise: BlackLucio

Super-Best Friend: Katana12

Bruno: Bruno

Reason For My Despair: Jenoshima

Dumb Sister: mikusaba

My Liege: PrincessParfait

EM Treasure Here: rctnk99

Love: Fantasy1316

Defendant: PhoenixWrightDA

EM Babe: sammy

Sister Waifu: Mizzmox

Favorite Fruit: YellowPear

Noona: Mehboob

Favorite Sheep: Baabaa

(ENTIL THE MESSIAH REMOVED BY ORDER OF ENTIL THE MESSIAH) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MEMORIAL FOR THOSE WHO ARE DELETED (former wall of famers) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He Who Will Not Accept My Friend Request: Fearr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friends (1)

about 7 years
warning: fake Llewell