
Cultists. Gonna. Cult.
part of  family

Some fun facts about me:

I've had about 10 impersonators trying to negbomb me.

I tend to be a trigger-happy vigil :/


I have a family yet people keep on leaving because I go inactive for weeks on end; I guess it's my fault.

I have an alt, MasonsGonnaMace.

Irony intended.

I think this new system is great for many reasons; I hated trolls coming in final-round competitions.

deletedover 14 years
deletedover 14 years
can you stop whining? people kick in games all the time, but i don't need to keep going on about it. just play another game. i kicked 5 min after your maf partner kicked first, so town had plenty of time to decide who they wanted to vote first.
deletedover 14 years
guess what you dumbass, your special partner is probably the one who kicked and locked the votes. you need 3 fucking kicks to make it go unranked, got it?
over 14 years
Well I am sorry I negged you for trolling. That sucks man +k
over 14 years
either way +k to even it out
over 14 years
lol, there is a person that has dedicated time just to fuck with you by impersonating you as a troll..WTF
over 14 years
over 14 years
I know, you're so cool and edgy for being a troll. But still, stop it.
deletedover 14 years
That's only your fault for stealing my name.
over 14 years
I wonder what my karma would be without this troll. Everyone +K Vigoroth for pointing him out to me. He's a real bro.
over 14 years
+k because trolls are bullshit. <3
over 14 years
How did I take your name if you never had it? Also, you've been trolling people so when people would search to -k you my name would show up.

Grow up, man.
deletedover 14 years
I'm not impersonating you, You took my name so I had to use a i instead of the L
deletedover 14 years
Successful troll is fucking lol successful.
over 14 years
Thanks for the heads up.
over 14 years
Yeah I was wondering why I would go between -15k and +15k pretty much daily
deletedover 14 years
+K'd you because you probably got negged alot cuz of troll impersonator
over 14 years
my name is cuLtistsgonnacuLt

the only "i" is in the word CULTiSTS
deletedover 14 years
Hey dude, are you CultistGonnaCult with an "I"? because if so you're a troll.
over 14 years
Plus k for you:)