
part of  family





over 7 years
You were below average :')
You were proficient :'(
over 7 years
You were exquisite :')
over 7 years
whoa serene profile
almost as serene as you amirite
anonymousover 7 years
What's the endangered species that should just go extinct already?
em redditors !
over 7 years
Are you going to leave April Fam now that you have earned a gold trophy?
you wish son


4 / 20He's Batman
over 7 years
trophy guy wow
over 7 years
grats on trophying
over 7 years
Didn't expect to be spooked by entering your profile x_x
over 7 years
its funny bc someone confused scapegoat and spacegoat and u posted that omg SDFGASZDF
over 7 years
Don't you think the JT avatar has run its course?
deletedover 7 years
watch ur calories...
deletedover 7 years
hmmmmm a stinky fatty
over 7 years
dweeb alert dweeb alert
deletedover 7 years
what kind of shoutout is THAT
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
Can. I have a shoutout in your bio
over 7 years
happy birthday!!!!!!!
over 7 years
Really should have ended your jbomber shout-out after "exists"
over 7 years
Can. I have a shoutout in your bio
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
I loveeeee u
over 7 years
m e g a r a p t o r
e m g a r a p t o r
g e m g a r a p t o r
a g e m g a r a p t o r
r a g e m g a r a p t o r
a r a g e m g a r a p t o r
p a r a g e m g a r a p t o r
t p a r a g e m g a r a p t o r
o t p a r a g e m g a r a p t o r
r o t p a r a g e m g a r a p t o r
over 7 years
u're cute :)
over 7 years
ur profile doesnt l ook like s hit anymore u c unt
deletedover 7 years
perfect human being above