
Someplace GLORIOUS
part of  family

Lurking is inherently scummy. Here is a good post explaining why:

Thinking with a one track mind gets you manipulated.

If you Neg me, have some balls to tell me why.

over 14 years
You should play some ranked games with me, would be more fun with you there. xD
over 14 years
Keifru can't find the /v/ thread.
Also, trying to get up to 1k points so I can +k all you guys :)
over 14 years
Keifru hate /v/ games now? xD
over 14 years
Hey bro, call me up if you're making a new game or joining something. I got enough score to comment now.
over 14 years
Although I suppose you just knew you were blue. Anywho, it was nice to divert attention from the pr's. I'll +k you when you can get it.
over 14 years
Nice wifom to get yourself killed as miller. :D