
Hello I edited my status in 2024 :)
part of  family


deletedalmost 6 years
faggety anne
im left hooking you in the ribs in front of all your middle school friends tomorrow twink boy
deletedover 6 years
r u a nigga
im a real nigga son


5 / 25Explosion!
4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20Clint Eastwood
2 / 25Objection!
over 6 years
im sorry,,,,, i cant be treatedt like this... ig otta take care of ME AND MINE... goodbye.. i will alwayslove you...
over 6 years
+k, congratulations on the marriage
almost 7 years
Hey there handsome

almost 7 years
You’re the cheese to my macaroni.
almost 7 years
+K to 23
almost 7 years
+k above-average scumhunter
deletedalmost 7 years
sometimes while i sleep i randomly wake up in the night and think to myself r we meant to be i was just a lonesome shy em girl trying to get by and make friends i never thought in a million years i would meet someone as amazing and wonderful as you i enjoy our late night phone calls you make me feel one of a kind and happy i owe so much to you thank you for your kind gratitude sometimes while i sleep i randomly wake up in the night and think to myself r we meant to be i was just a lonesome shy em girl trying to get by and make friends i never thought in a million years i would meet someone as amazing and wonderful as you i enjoy our late night phone calls you make me feel one of a kind and happy i owe so much to you thank you for your kind gratitude sometimes while i sleep i randomly wake up in the night and think to myself r we meant to be i was just a lonesome shy em girl trying to get by and make friends i never thought in a million years i would meet someone as amazing and wonderfu
almost 7 years
hallooo volta my good frond
almost 7 years
Hot. 10/10 would bang. - TedTonate
almost 7 years
we back
about 7 years
about 7 years
Volta aqui maldito
about 7 years
I would give you karma for the Plissken meme but i didn't realize i already gave you karma
deletedabout 7 years
+k becus u ar so sexy
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Watch me defend Israel
about 7 years
Happy Birthday ^^
about 7 years
Still better lyrics than most songs nowadays. Happy birthday and a happy un-birthday to the other EMers.
about 7 years
Good song