
here to guise n1
in love with 

   words drip like honey, dear; how sweet it is to hear —

       but not everything you are presented

           is as it appears !


anonymousabout 8 years
is this what the cool kids do nowadays, call each other pieces of firewood
about 8 years
Do you have a passport?
i went to mexico once when i was like 3 so probably
over 8 years
Gonna wonder why they are maffers most of the time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
IM NOT seriously its just that i do more memorable shit as scummy roles so it sticks in peoples heads
over 7 years
can u say "(puke)" for me instead
over 7 years
+k for getting alt Disguiser like 2 seconds before I did
over 7 years
The 12 Karma
deletedover 7 years
super barkio
over 7 years
over 7 years
btw you got question wrong: it was me in my CPO1 account, not directly linked to DatGuiser
over 7 years
sup cinna
over 7 years

i'm Debbie and you + Fanny are the twins <3 GL in BB queen
over 7 years
you already have me on discord

bug monsters start eating people and their children become humanoid and then those children get some humans as pets
over 7 years
oh jgdgkkhdsk you haven't seen hxh
over 7 years
sgshdnshs dw that was just to showcase how terrible furry kink is
deletedover 7 years
tbh we ahould talk and chat with each other a bit more. we are about the same age (if your profile isnt lying), we are both into songs/music, we play EM, and we made our guiser accounts within like a week of each other.
over 7 years
i did that once on my own and put death above furry
over 7 years
smh can i at least get scraps after the reunion feast i'll wait outside like a dog
over 7 years
its a challenge on epicmafia and a FIRE song
over 7 years
over 7 years
alright I guess that works too
over 7 years
sigh getting booted really made me laugh tbh like why not me