
Cheers, love! The cavalry's here!

Hi. What are you doing here anyways? I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows. Maybe the dude next to me knows. But you don't know the dude next to me. how do you know there's a dude next to me? maybe there's a woman. Maybe there's an alien. Or a muffin. Wait. Do you like muffins? Have you ever felt the need and sudden urge out of nowhere to run from your house to Dunkin' Donuts, on a tricycle, to get a donut? Wait. But that made no sense. What's wrong with my sentence? You tell me. Fine. I'll tell you. The problem is that you can't simply RUN on a tricycle, you must BIKE on a tricycle. Besides, what happened to your mission, fool? You were going to get muffins, and returned with a bag of donuts. You fail. You should be ashamed of yourself. Why? Just, why, why, why, would you ever go for muffins and come back with donuts? It's because you wanted to clog your arteries, right? It's so you could go eat KFC and McDonalds and donuts and become fat and then troll on Steam being foreign person #123456789 or better yet another metal kween milly syrup. That's why. So you know what? Go run a mile. Eat some fruit. Get me a muffin. not a donut. I rest my case. Have a nice day.


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