
<3 <3 <3 Thanks for visiting :)
part of  family

Hello This is Snowieball :) I'm NOT new but I still make silly mistakes :) Please don't be angry!! I am willing to become friends with everyone! EM is so good! Recently, I love the survivor lobby, I think its the best lobby in Epicmafia :) WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

About Myself

  • I hate to be mafias
  • I am a musician
  • I love minions!!! They are so cute!
  • I love fluffy stuff
  • I am addicted to this game :)
  • I know a few languages (not fluent tho). That includes English, Chinese, Japanese, Very little French



anonymousover 8 years
dont crop the image. its great the way it is
Thanks <3333
anonymousover 8 years
Not planning to crop, sry :(
almost 9 years
~( 0-0)~
deletedalmost 9 years
how did i manage to make such a cool person my lover? <3
<3 hahaha because you're cool :)
almost 9 years
Challenge beast
Nah im not ;) I m bad in so many challengessss!!!!


20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Clint Eastwood
13 / 20Do No Harm
almost 9 years
I very rarely go to main :P Are u only main player? ^^
almost 9 years
Omg thanks hun!! That's so nice of u!! ❤️
deletedalmost 9 years
what about adding ''i love clockwise?'' :3
almost 9 years
my main is ddlgkitten :) <3
deletedalmost 9 years
it's a long story, but your daughter made me comment with quasar giving out an otherwise perfectly secret alt >.<
almost 9 years
CONGRATZ on winning BABY DOLL !!!! <3
deletedalmost 9 years
i'm an inconsistent person, don't judge me ù.ù
almost 9 years
미국에서 태어난 한국인 입니다. 단어들이 언제 끝나는지 잘 몰라서 아무렇게나 씁니다.
almost 9 years
+1 for being a nice person ;)
deletedalmost 9 years
OK i'll take the present back, if living has all that money, i don't want to risk losing the custody :P
almost 9 years
But mom u already have a beautiful family ;__;
almost 9 years
Ok, I'm offering the 1,000,000 bucks now. Pls don't divorce him.
deletedalmost 9 years
happy birthday, my gift will be the divorce :3
almost 9 years
Mom, we don't have 1,000,000 bucks. Please, don't divorce dad. XD
almost 9 years
Yooo snoweh :)
almost 9 years
returned ;)
almost 9 years
+k, My Friend!
almost 9 years
+K on all my accounts! Thanx hun I like your avi too! x
almost 9 years
Haha +k returned of course I remember you, fam c: Stay awesome! ^-^
almost 9 years
+k for new pal and the best reflex player :-D ^_^