
do u wanna fist fite
in love with someone gone
part of  family

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about 7 years
a legend
a true queen
over 7 years
I'm feeling pressured by all the people wanting to EM date you...you'll stay mine right?
Who would even want me? :O
deletedover 7 years
what's my name?
you should tell me that!
over 7 years
What's your name again? Barbaro?
[Nymeria chuckles]
deletedover 7 years
whats your fav ice cream flavor?
hmmm..... probably vanilla. I know, I'm lame :D or hmm maybe chocolate nougat :o


8 / 20He's Batman
5 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 25Explosion!
1 / 10Gotcha!
almost 8 years
hahahaaha ikr kristalelmoo is the best also +k returned:))
deletedabout 8 years
lelpoo we cant be friends sorry youre too lame
about 8 years
fitting plan for a fat cow like u
about 8 years
+k because you suck
about 8 years
No problem boo ♡
about 8 years
Stop saying I'm a threat :D
+1 for existing
about 8 years
thank you! xo.
about 8 years
Change it to goat then :P
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
don't smile because it's over, cry because it happened.

+k for u2
about 8 years
I love your noavi moreeeee!!!!!
about 8 years
no worries, i just act like i'm 5'11" when i'm not. i've been suuuper busy but hopefully we can play again soon! xx
about 8 years
omg stop flirting with the night players!!
about 8 years
ily ♡
deletedabout 8 years
+k back bc ur so cute
about 8 years
+k for existing
about 8 years
+k to you :)
deletedabout 8 years
i will accept mari into my heart because you said corinne was cool.

she's not as good as sunday or bret but.... she's good too.
deletedabout 8 years
corinne is the best
deletedabout 8 years
u have the cutest avi