
in love with 

I enjoy lying on the internet.

It's mostly just during pregame though.


3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 12 years
Who gets drunk and play epic mafia. Seriously.
almost 14 years
haha, now I got 2k points so I +k ed you :)
almost 14 years
+k for being hott haha and for being friends XD
almost 14 years
gg even though we lost :/ +k
3 way lylo with 2 lurkers = near impossible
almost 14 years
Haha, officer is funny.... Anyways you are free to plus me dear and of course I ll plus you back when I ll get 2k points. Kisses
almost 14 years
Hii, Spairos told me he has a gay crush on you. He is too shy to confess his man-to-man love for you, so he sent me instead. Good luck, I hope you will find a great bromance in this relationship.
almost 14 years
Thanks :D
almost 14 years
No problem, you don't have to plus me just 'cus I plussed you :P
almost 14 years
Nah dawg, you played well. Hikari ruined it. It'd be fun to play with/ against you again.
almost 14 years
For the record, I didn't mean you deserved to have Hikari throw the game, I meant you deserved the win. +k for a good scumhunt.
almost 14 years
+K for not being crazy ;)
almost 14 years
Cool people.
almost 14 years
I + people like you.
about 14 years
Nice job scumhunting and finding the mafia without a cop. Surprised me as I watched in the graveyard. +K
about 14 years
-K since Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere.
deletedabout 14 years
We played a game tonight and I thought you did a good job
deletedabout 14 years
Mega +k, return?
deletedabout 14 years
+K for playing a good maf!
over 14 years
That's not in-game. Come on now, you cheater
deletedover 14 years