
part of  family



anonymousover 6 years
Hey, congrats on completely ghosting muffinz and then acting like it's her fault! Seems reasonsble to do
Why are you doing this anonymously? I didn't ghost her, we just stopped talking. I never said anything was her fault, either.
anonymousover 6 years
What did you do to muffy ?? I was rootin for yall
tbh I was rooting for us too but we just didn't quite see eye to eye on somethin and it drove her away
over 6 years
What is the best food in the entire world (other than Muffins)?
Browniez :^) no uh I have a soft spot for tortilla soup, of all things
anonymousover 6 years
are you and muff a thing IRLor are you just that obnoxious for no reason
C'mon if you're gonna try and drag me don't do it anonymously
over 6 years
What color is YOUR shirt right now?
pink with navy and white stripes. real men wear pink


13 / 20Do No Harm
9 / 30Oxyclean
7 / 10Scumhunter
6 / 25Objection!
4 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 6 years
Jeez I'm the worst
almost 7 years
+k bc omg i thought we were already friends
almost 7 years
+K to 18!
almost 7 years
+k for a random cool person
almost 7 years
Mucho respecto
deletedalmost 7 years
+k cause i feel bad you got jailed
almost 7 years
wait now we're friends and so i have to k you
deletedabout 7 years
i love you
deletedabout 7 years
+K for being a really nice user!
about 9 years
+Karma <3