
in love with 
part of  family

ShayneErin is the best person on EM

And Raccoon is one of da funnest xD

This game is pretty much 50/50 and involves little logic and is almost completely chance. Don't bullshit yourself. The Win to Loss ratio for you guys prove it.

I'm pretty sure I'm a big deal.

I die day 1 like a prematurely born baby.

bio: I'm a white guy in college. I like girls with big boobs and asses. I'm here to have fun and that's pretty much it. But this sites pretty boring so it's gotta be really really late for me to get on.

I fuck shit up.

Oh ya, I take the cop role very seriously.

NL at day start like a champ

Why da fuck are there so many god damn people here with anime Avatars?

Aren't you here for some artificial socialization?

-Also, fuck everything that happens on Day 1 without a night. It's seriously the beginning of the fucking game with no evidence or any reasonable suspicion on anyone and you try and do junior detective bullshit wasting a MASSIVE amount of time accomplishing NOTHING. Bitches.

over 13 years
over 13 years
Good, that was my goal!
over 13 years
over 13 years
Lol, i haz no interweb cash
over 13 years
About about two karmas?
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
thats kew, w/e ;)
deletedover 13 years
Why do you wanna join our family when you're in a family >.>;
over 13 years
Don't you dare out my alt :D
over 13 years
Went to Italy and Japan and Korea. Italy was gorgeous. Food was DELICIOUS. So much better than italian food here. How have you been? I don't have MSN anymore but if I get it again we'll talk.
over 13 years
I would have considered it if it didn't suck.. *cough*
over 13 years
Sut venligst min tissemand. :)
deletedover 13 years
SO IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW lmao. fuck ivys wooo. i mean, look at how much fun we have here (proven by that girl's thesis)
deletedover 13 years
plussed :D
deletedover 13 years
<3 g to the g, lmao. i've been testing my setup all day and it's beautiful.
deletedover 13 years
ahaha so yeah apparently a few of my friends have heard about it - i've just been out of the loop. i think subject 11 is kind of cute also, but some of the other guys, ehhh
over 13 years
+K back! :D
deletedover 13 years
Okay, why do you think you have what it takes to be in our group? What can you contribute? Do you happen to even like us? Do you get along with us?
over 13 years
Oh, you made Pacman didn't you. I HATE YOU KITTENZ
deletedover 13 years
wow no, i didn't even HEAR about it lmao. just read through it, before they blurred out the faces. it's quite entertaining, i gotta say