
in love with 
part of  family

ShayneErin is the best person on EM

And Raccoon is one of da funnest xD

This game is pretty much 50/50 and involves little logic and is almost completely chance. Don't bullshit yourself. The Win to Loss ratio for you guys prove it.

I'm pretty sure I'm a big deal.

I die day 1 like a prematurely born baby.

bio: I'm a white guy in college. I like girls with big boobs and asses. I'm here to have fun and that's pretty much it. But this sites pretty boring so it's gotta be really really late for me to get on.

I fuck shit up.

Oh ya, I take the cop role very seriously.

NL at day start like a champ

Why da fuck are there so many god damn people here with anime Avatars?

Aren't you here for some artificial socialization?

-Also, fuck everything that happens on Day 1 without a night. It's seriously the beginning of the fucking game with no evidence or any reasonable suspicion on anyone and you try and do junior detective bullshit wasting a MASSIVE amount of time accomplishing NOTHING. Bitches.

deletedover 13 years
Paris =D.
deletedover 13 years
Sounds good man, know anyone else in England that could come as well?
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
You will eventually.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
oh my gosh.. i haven't eaten that in so long. :) I need to go eat something
deletedover 13 years
I'm surprised.. most people say they look nasty.
Usually people say they look disgusting, smell amazing, taste incredible, and make you feel even more disgusting when you are done.
deletedover 13 years
Garbage plates are amazing.
deletedover 13 years
it's cus this site was advocated for on luelinks (sp?). my friend found it there and told me about it. i'm sure there's more people who play on and off X)
over 13 years
call me on skype to wake me up when you get back babe 8)
deletedover 13 years
yeah she's my friend :P i couldn't log in earlier b/c the computer was registered to you lol.... it usually happens with kittenz and aceofspadez, so we thought you didn't live on west
over 13 years
i REALLY hope so... ive been trying to realize that... :-(
over 13 years
ILY more :3 <3
over 13 years
im in love with someone who has a girlfriend but i think he likes me.... its just really hard
deletedover 13 years
are you on west campus o_o
over 13 years
+K 4 u!
over 13 years
k 4 u please return!
deletedover 13 years
original movie was shot in 1968, the new one, musical version was shot in 2005. original has a higher imdb score, but musical is easier to find obv.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
HELL no!