
I probably hate you.
Survivor Lobby
married to 
part of  family

Washed up survivor player.




over 7 years
why did wendy and emma invade ur q&a box
because they like me more than you
over 7 years
ewwwww who let you out of ur cage
who let the dogs out? who who who who
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
u like computers
No, I like turtles


15 / 20Super Sleuth!
12 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
4 / 20He's Batman
4 / 15New Sheriff in Town
4 / 20Do No Harm

Created Setups

over 8 years
is jessys a male too?
over 8 years
#HardCarry4Mentor please spread awarness by typing #HardCarry4Mentor

typing this hashtag will help.
deletedover 8 years
If I could +K you I would, glad we were teamed together. We lasted a long time against numerous teams focusing us. :P

I'd +k for best mentor award.
over 8 years
you're 54 visitors away from going over my visitor count
over 8 years
i love you and congrats! xx
deletedover 8 years
Congrats, Champ!
over 8 years
Your instructions are so accurate.

Also, I'm bad.
over 8 years
Awwwww well tbh I listen to classical + pop + dance HAHAHAHHAA :)Thanks tho :) I do take things seriously hahahahhahahahaahahhaaa!
over 8 years
Do you actually know my music taste :o I don't think I listen to the music savarino listens tbh :/ and that's not a reason not to k me jk :(
over 8 years
been busy :"( wasup with u
over 8 years
over 8 years
Would +K to 30, but I don't play in mainlobby, so I can't afford it. :^)
deletedover 8 years
Says the guy who just won 2 games in 24 hours.
almost 9 years
Lol is that the hand from SSBM?
almost 9 years
AYY Wicked games
almost 9 years
The Weeknd - Wicked Games

Could u be more of a fuckboy
almost 9 years
+k for you! you were pretty much my first friend on this website! thanks 4 being awesome :)
deletedalmost 9 years
Hi, Goldd96 here. I would like to offer an alliance between our two families.

#socialgame #f2 #VoteOutHardCarry
deletedalmost 9 years
ya it happens
almost 9 years