
Southeast England
part of  family

I'm leaving for good. Don't miss me too much, or something. I find the community here really petulant, asinine and pernicious, although I don't blame anybody in particular for that. Ciao.



6 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 13 years
Its just learning to become a rad tech its very fun and interesting basically ill work in a hospital or out patient setting taking X-rays and doing fluoroscopy.
I like people. I like the dark. I like the cold. and its super interesting.
=p Its just a cool thing all together
deletedover 13 years
LOL OMG. That's hilarious XD
deletedover 13 years
I probably will be too lazy to actually do it
deletedover 13 years
lol, ikr?
over 13 years
I'm only mad if people troll or spam as me. You played great as well, so I can't be mad. :P
over 13 years
If you dissed me more often people might actually think I'm good. :D +k
over 13 years
Ur a cool dude
over 13 years
Such a good game. Well played, my friend.
deletedover 13 years
Lol no way man, you're still waaaaay ahead of me. Though....I am DETERMINED to catch up to you! :o....someday
over 13 years
But the point you was missing is that if you took a maf role, lynching you and then him would have lost it for town as well. Therefore following that pattern it would have been autolose for town if you did take a mafia role.

To be fair I did overthink things, I lynched you assuming you did what I would have. If I was amnesiac I would have taken the maf role, claim to take the town role and claim mort. This would lead to town lynching both mort claims in the vast majority of situations (Like you wanted), therefore winning the game as mafia. The fact you appeared to be doing the very exact thing I would have, made me think you was mafia and therefore the other mort was town.

In a way it's a compliment to you that I considered you a good enough player to not just do the obvious and take the town role. Ironically it was that which made me hammer wrong.
over 13 years
You really don't know what you're talking about. It was in NO way autowin.

Second to last day, lynching you was the optimal decision. As if you took a town role and we lynched you we still had another day, if you took maf and did we did not lynch you we lost. Like I said, better safe than sorry.

Then going into final day it was a 50/50 decision, yes I hammered wrong. But the person I hammered contributed absolutely nothing all game. That was pretty much all there was to go on.

So if hammering wrong once makes me a terrible player..I guess I am terrible. But my score per life and every other game says otherwise.
over 13 years
Also, where in South East England are you? I reside in hastings~
over 13 years
No, I just really want to be on the list~
over 13 years
+2k plz return to my alt pepsi :)
over 13 years
Yeah I know right? It's pretty retarded.
over 13 years
Omg you have no idea I can't trophy run because I'm suspicious of cheating >.> Which I wasn't at all and it's ridiculous.
over 13 years
Xavier we never see each other in games anymore :(
over 13 years
Vegetable, I sent you a long reply on your page about why you are in the wrong which you hastily deleted. I accept that as your apology, but you're keeping the negs.
deletedover 13 years
Lol wow
deletedover 13 years
(I can't post in the forums so I'll post it here)

So nice of you to add me to your troll list and negbomb me, even though "You don't care"

It's not trolling at all what I did, not any more trolling than the maf's offer was. I just made a counter offer. If you didn't take the offer than it's your own fault, don't call me a troll just because you didn't want to accept my counter-offer.