
Southeast England
part of  family

I'm leaving for good. Don't miss me too much, or something. I find the community here really petulant, asinine and pernicious, although I don't blame anybody in particular for that. Ciao.



6 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
about 13 years
i translate the super, duper hard ones! do you want me to speak french to you one day in a maf game, xav? cos i might instead of just yelling 'por favor' all the time.
about 13 years
maybe you should do blue streaks. i like blue better than i like green.
about 13 years
i like any hair color you have. aka your crazy blonde brown hair.
about 13 years
you better! i've been doing okay, just sleepy and tired mostly. also my karma, what the ffffff. i miss you <3
about 13 years
i'm bored as fuck and you're in a game/in the graveyard which is stuck in day 3. goddamn.
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
You suck. Talk to you more tomorrow then :P
deletedabout 13 years
Oh god not again =.= ffs what the hell is wrong with this "friend" of ours. Boston is actually surprisingly nice right now. It was pretty rainy last week, but it's been really sunny and warm this week :)
deletedabout 13 years
Lol yeah, I guess. I've been pretty busy, mainly with work b/c I decided to stay in boston over the summer to do bio research at my college. Hmm does the name of this "friend" of ours begin with the letter "C"? Btw, how's everything going with you? Have you made a skype acc yet? (It's been a YEAR since you last told me you were going to :P)
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
It also helps if you haven't been the one arguing with someone like arguing with a Republican that wants to vote for Sarah Palin. Tip: It's easier to deal with for the Republican.
deletedabout 13 years
After yelling at a brick wall for so long, you start to lose the patience to go on. I've lost mine.
deletedabout 13 years
"I explained why you lead incorrectly d1, how it was obvious that it was not something that a town would have done because it was clearly a move that favoured the mafia." After giving up on the first one I decided to try again on the second one. This one made me quit after the first sentence. I explained why I did lynched him from a town point of view, you didn't explain why he was obv town at all. I give up.
deletedabout 13 years
"I didn't explain merely my thought processes, although that was a part of my argument because I was showing them from a town's perspective why I chose the options I did." For around the 7th time, I did too. You just didn't pay attention. "You did contradict yourself and it was pointed out by Rarity. You didn't acknowledge him declaring your contradiction in the slightest." "I don't remember anyone pointing out me contradicting myself, if I did that was because I was literally getting asked to answer 4-5 things at a time." "And what were your other points?!?" I give up.
deletedabout 13 years
1. I don't remember anyone pointing out me contradicting myself, if I did that was because I was literally getting asked to answer 4-5 things at a time 2. Saying why your argument is bad is a point, as were all the other things I said. Again, you're ignoring all of my other points. You aren't even reading. My points for why I was town were all my actions, while yours was just your thought process and speculation. Yes, it was blatantly speculation. "What if they stalked me?" is speculation. Am I saying it was entirely your fault? No. But a large part of it was. Your argument was smooth, but as for points it had none. You just explained your thought process, which I did as well, and tried to use speculation to add onto it. Yes, circumstantial points were very circumstantial.
deletedabout 13 years
tl;dr: You're still retarded.
deletedabout 13 years
Was meh scumtelling? Yes. But only brought up meh literally once. And town didn't think he was obvious town, and that was all that mattered and even then there were very, very good reasons to lynch him. You explained your thought process, as did I. The difference was where in actual points for why the other was maf/why you were town, I gave solid points while you did not. "What if they planned this in the night meeting?" is not a point. "I'm town because I tried to derail the doc BW" is a point. Furthermore, you refused to acknowledge the existence of any of my points despite me repeating them for you 3-4 times every time you asked, only acknowledging one of the four one time to say "I might have been stalked." You acted like I didn't explain my thought process or give any points at all, which to anyone with a brain was obviously not the case. Should I have won? No, probably not because you were failing so hard you were towntelling. As for the main, it'll be outed soon.
deletedabout 13 years
>mfw I already have you negged on all three accounts OK nevermind your alt will have to do.
deletedabout 13 years
-K because you are terrible at making arguments. 1. We both explained every action, dipshit 2. Almost all of your points to why I was maf was "What if they did so and so in their night meeting?" Compared to "I tried to derail the doc's lynch, so I'm town". Seriously, that was worse than calling Microsoft customer support. Jesus Almighty.
about 13 years
dear xav, i miss you so fucking much. i'll try to be around more. xo, colfer