deletedover 9 years
Quit anon flirting w/ me via anon questions on my profile. Just admit that i'm so sexy that you got a girl crush
omfg the latest one wasn't me i swear
deletedover 9 years
Even if in one of the outrealms Chrobin is a thing, I hope you do not allow such a thought to make you reject me. It's not weird at all. what you're trying to say is that even though you're my dad/mom in another universe being in love with me isn't weird. i'm from an alternate universe. how do you know you're not my dad/mom there?
deletedover 9 years
You love Grima? You traitor! Who knew the Luci from the outrealms could be so awful
shhhh there's a reason for everything
deletedover 9 years
Well half the fandom loves that chrobin and the other half wants me with you... So im just assuming im a little gay for your dad and a little straight for you and 100% dragonsexual for Grima
stay away from grima. literally, he's dangerous and i don't want you getting hurt.
deletedover 9 years
Whats up Lucina
not much. just wondering why you're a little straight for me