
Rainbow ;)
part of  family

♫Dance like no one is watching, Sing like no one is listening, Love like you've never been hurt.☮

I am bisexual <3

Hey my name is Jamie! Im nice, shy, sensitive and open minded. I have green eyes and light brown hair. I love to dance and I love music! Techno is my favorite. I love art and good conversations. I like women more than men. Women make me really nervous though but they understand me more. I just feel more passionate towards them. Don't worry if ur straight ladies i wont hit on you if you tell me not to haha ;) I don't have a computer anymore so i will only be on here a lot!

I have a 69 in my name just so you can make of me and be jealous hahha haters makke ya FAMOUS!! <3

When i apologize to you, if i was in the wrong or made a mistake, I would like for you to be grown up about it and accept it :)

I love you all and don't be a stranger <3

Everyone always ask me if im a real girl and yes i am add me on facebook :) See girls do play on the internet to.


Also ask me anything you want secretly- it wont show ur name-



Peace & Love ;)



over 10 years
would you email me your number? =P
I don't have a cell :( You can write me on my email or anytime on here though :)
anonymousabout 11 years
If you could meet someone on EM, who would it be and what would you do with them?
Not tellin :) It would be cool to meet a couple people on here and hang out though.
anonymousover 11 years
Is there anyone on epicmafia that you want to be with?
Maybe <3
almost 14 years
2 k for uu
almost 14 years
Yeah, the best players tend to. Just keep an eye out and let me know if you spot any talent ;)
almost 14 years
Yeah, true, but I think he already has a family.
almost 14 years
Hey hey, if you see someone nice who's a decent player, let me know and I will invite them to the famalam!
almost 14 years
Yeh but someone needs to know what the real right answers are or the person can just make it up xD!
deletedalmost 14 years
plus karma! :D
almost 14 years
First player to 2000 points on the scoreboard ends the round. Top 3 players get Gold, Silver, Bronze. Then a new round starts.
almost 14 years
Hi new friend!

Btw you shouldnt give your guise test answers... or else the person gusiing you can see the answers... and answer em xDlol
almost 14 years
Oh, I remember you! You're the noob girl.
almost 14 years
I'm one mean motherfucker
almost 14 years
If calling you dumb, and telling you don't you don't know how to play gets me plussed, then you're my of woman.
almost 14 years
Who are you?
almost 14 years
your gone D:
almost 14 years
nope :(
deletedalmost 14 years
+k friends =D
almost 14 years
No:(I have facebook:)
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
You're a cutie yourself. ;)
almost 14 years
+K me I k'ed you
deletedalmost 14 years
Hey girly, thanks for the add. :)