
New zealand
in love with 
part of  family

“人人都说:冲动是魔鬼。 但当两个人吵架时, 谁又能不冲动呢? 看看这位丈夫冲动时说了什么…” 妻子说:我们离婚吧,这日子没法过了! 丈夫也咆哮了:不过就不过,离就离,谁不离谁是孙子!房给你,车给你,儿子也给你!但你能不能请我当保姆?你去哪里我也去哪里! 妻子刚喝进去的水喷了一地! 然后就走了。 丈夫问:婆娘,你去哪里? 妻子没好气的回道:去买菜,做你爱吃的炒西红柿! 丈夫说:我陪你! 妻子问丈夫:为什么每次吵架都要让着我呀? 丈夫:我170,你160,跟你讲话的时候我不得先低头吗? 这是我今天看到的最温暖的小故事了,献给所有深爱彼此的恋人爱人们… 爱要理解和包容! “请记住 爱是两情相悦, 更是理解和忍让。 即使最美好的婚姻, 一生中也会有200次离婚的念头, 50次掐死对方的冲动…” 一个男人有多少钱不重要, 重要的是他把自己全部交给了你。 钱,不能养你一辈子。帅:不能炫耀一辈子。 男人是拿来过日子,而不是拿来比较。 日子过得好,才是真的好。 所以不找帅不找富,找个能包容你的人。 如果他不能包容你的情绪和缺点,就算条件好又有什么用呢? 其实最好的日子,无非是:你在闹他在笑。 女人这辈子最大的幸福就是找到一个宠你的男人, 而不是和你计较的男人。 “关心,因为爱 生气,因为在乎 沉默,因为包容 啰嗦,因为希望你更好 发火,因为不想失去 如果不在乎 便会无动于衷 再送一段很暖心的话给大家 我们的小窝, 不用很大, 充满笑声,温馨就好。 我们的存款,不用很多, 父母老了, 我们负担得起就好。 丈夫,不用很帅, 风雨一生, 足够的包容和担当就好。 孩子,不用很优秀, 平安长大, 懂得如何做人就好。 生活,不求一帆风顺, 磕磕绊绊, 我们能共同面对就好。 工资,不求多高, 偶尔出游,偶尔庆祝, 够开销就好。 当我们老去,回看这一生, 没有太多遗憾就好。 笑看风雨,平安知足, 步履蹒跚, 有你,有我,有孩子,就好。



anonymousalmost 8 years
Not a question but guess who :3
DORZEL - THE RECOGNISABLE EMOJI (i think im wrong :p)
deletedabout 8 years
Why are you obsessed with chickens??
caus the song is betta than the hamster or duck song :)


25 / 25Explosion!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Clint Eastwood
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 7 years
What did one plate say to the other? Lunch is on me!
deletedover 7 years
hello :fufu:
almost 8 years
Guys, I feel like I'm the only one left here from my generation of epicmafia :(
I think not
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm gonna start keeping count of the number of friend requests I have to reject from now on, this is getting out of hand!
almost 8 years
I upvote everyone's comments though!
almost 8 years
What? You think you can just go on someone's profile and poke them all the time? *pokes*
almost 8 years
*Pokey* *Pokey* *Pokey*
almost 8 years
Hello :3
almost 8 years
That was horrible jasmine plz lmao
almost 8 years
lmao dont you listen to normal music?
almost 8 years
hahaha okay thanks!!
almost 8 years
i liked the chicken song way more
about 8 years
LOL my brother used to always sing this song
about 8 years
still the best profile song in EM history
about 8 years
Cutest kiwi on em right here.
about 8 years
And honest speaking, fam. For all these time I have known you I thought you were a he-fam >~<
about 8 years
Fam we've been fams for some time yet I haven't +k you. I owed you, here's your +k fam ^-^
about 8 years
+K for definitely not giving me a kudo for nothing. =D
deletedabout 8 years
Hi sissy sassy swoggle
about 8 years
+k for being cool :))