
part of  family



Best game ever http://www.epicmafia.com/game/502189 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/561114

Feliciano pulls a sexy move: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/546660

Investigator raiff is on the case. If you +/-k me, tell me why D: I won't -k you solely because you negged me, I rarely -k in the first place

REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD GUN ME: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kxoifdiWTV1qzf9gso1_500.jpg (Photo courtesy of Feliciano)

And don't +k me if I've never even played with you and you're just karma whoring; I won't return it

this is me irl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM7vhI-mJME

over 13 years
hey raiff so can you add a moustache to my piggle? you know one of those big curly cue villain ones :D
deletedover 13 years
Good luck on your quest!
deletedover 13 years
We will miss you dearly.
over 13 years
over 13 years
hey if u leave ur cage one more time ima fuckin stop feeding u for a week
over 13 years
not rlly
over 13 years
raiff? my pet hamster? he learned how to use a computer wtf is this! was petsmart giving u drugs? Its okay tell me because then i might have to make a second trip there. >.>
over 13 years
+K for giving me something to do
over 13 years
(Conclusion) So what have we learned today? Was the learning process back in the day much better than it is now? Is technology helping us or hindering us? Well, as long as the functions of a tool or program are relevant to the subject we are trying to learn (unlike Powerpoint), then why not let it help us? I've been using new inventions to learn more than my grandparents ever could and it's never hurt anybody... (except for that one guy who's still in the hospital, but he's on his way to a full recovery). If you're still not convinced that learning technology is worth using, then consider this: Even though this essay is a fucking joke, it will probably get graded %100 by a machine because the teacher or professor is too lazy to grade it themselves, and if this essay receives a failing grade, that's only because the teacher or professor didn't use technology like they should have and instead wasted their precious time actually reading this nonsense. LOL THE END XD
over 13 years
(3) Another thing that the evil old people disapprove of in today's education is Powerpoint presentations. Now am I really going to defend Powerpoint and say that it's convenient and necessary in making our learning process much easier and more effective? FUCK NO! When it comes to Microsoft's piece of shit application from hell known as Powerpoint, I would have to agree with the old people. Powerpoint blows. I would much rather just write an essay and read it to the class than to bother with stupid fucking transitions and pictures that don't even reflect what you've learned on the topic. So the next time a hip, young, down-with-technology teacher requires you to do a Powerpoint project, just tell him that his mom is a whore and throw an egg at his face. (You might not receive a passing grade for this, but your popularity in the class will skyrocket.)
over 13 years
(2) Next, we will considur the use of automatic spell checker. The old peeple will argue that I am a lazy-ass for using spell checker insted of just lerning how to spell myself. Do you really think that with all the problems in the world tooday, I have time too lern spelling? FUCK NO! I'm busy saving whale's and shit! I can't solve a bunch of political problems AND lern how to spell. And if you really think spell checker sux, than do this for me. Compair this paragraf with the others in this essay. In this paragraf, I did not use spell checker. In the other paragrafs, I did use it. Now do you see why spell checker is necesary? I rest my kase. SPELL CHECKER FTW!!
over 13 years
(1) The first and most obvious teaching invention to discuss is the calculator. Does it really help us learn math, or does it prevent us from learning by just doing it for us? Instead of trying to answer this question, I will dodge it by saying that it doesn't matter. When an engineer makes calculations to build a bridge, do you think physics gives a shit how he came up with the answer? FUCK NO! As long as the numbers are correct, the bridge will be fine whether a calculator was used or not. But I'll bet you if all the math was done by hand, it would take much longer and there would be way more possibility of error. :D
over 13 years
(Intro) Education is a bitch and so is technology, but when you fight fire with fire, it can be extremely effective! Many old people argue that education was better off taught the way they learned it - without the assistance of the tools we use today. However, after reading this essay, you will be completely convinced that old people suck ass and the convenience of technology is an integral part of our learning process.
deletedover 13 years
+k for the rights of rodents around the world!
over 13 years
+K, that was a very good play. Those others are just butthurt and blind. :D
over 13 years
I will always blindly follow you, investigator raiff. +k
over 13 years
I sided with him in the end because your argument made less sense to me. To be honest, given what happened, both your arguments made no sense. Lol.
over 13 years
Yikes - Sorry Raiff, but I know how watcher works. Check the forums and you'll see that there's 3 page long thread about this issue right now. It looks like it's a bug in the Driver - he SHOULD be showing up on the reports.
over 13 years
+k, return?
over 13 years
Yikes! Thank you for not trolling as guised me!! You're too funny!