
maybe they loved mysteries so much they became one
part of  family




almost 9 years
Hi just wanted to let you know that you're really cool, see ya
thanks buddy :) cya around
anonymousalmost 9 years
LMAO I'll try, I promise XD
deletedabout 9 years
Hi there buddy
nm, what's up bro?
about 9 years
if it makes you feel any better it was too hot / bright this afternoon to play sports ;-;
ahh i know, u would of been roasted! and today its supposed to be 94!
about 9 years
hi friend how are u :3
i'm good. just cchilln and stuff. ;) how's the summer for u?


6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 20He's Batman
deletedover 6 years
i lorv u bro ♥
over 6 years
Donate some karma to this poor soul
over 6 years
i lorv u twinn
over 6 years
+K i finally remembered lol
over 6 years
80th +k :)
over 6 years
why thank you
over 6 years
idk how i never karma you before but here it is
deletedover 6 years
omgush i love you ty for schmackos
over 6 years
over 6 years
Wait how have I never +k'd you before?

This is catastrophic!
Lol ily <3
deletedover 6 years
+k for being one of my first real friends from EM <3
over 6 years
Crystals is love. Crystals is life. <3 +k
over 6 years
Thank you <3
deletedover 6 years
JoJoJoJoJoJoJoJoJo , Brosie!!!!!!
you're the best, thank you for being an extraordinary individual! :) ♥
deletedover 6 years
+K you sweet thang <3
over 6 years
Happy New Year Crystal!
over 6 years
over 6 years
Happy new year Crystals!
over 6 years
Happy New Year fam!!

May your dreams come true & may the universe bless you and let your smiles become even bigger in 2018!! <3
deletedover 6 years
Post this on 15 players walls of people who are the nicest and most beautiful humans in the world. <3 :)