
We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.
part of  family

Shame that I still frequent this site.

Name is Chad (but don't call me that in-game).

Music is therapy

Football is life


over 9 years
So when are we doing this?
We strike soon, but tbh probably after I'm done with my greatest enemy yet: Cal 1
over 9 years
Are there any more members of the Ginyu force dear leader? or am i the lone member for now, if so does that make me the leader?
Actually There are four of us. Myself,you,Platy, and Darklunaknight
over 9 years
Why stop at the country when we can have the world, though?
Its all about strategy my friend. See first we we'll go easy on them. Lure them in a false sense of security,and once they think we're not so bad BAM!!! We go full tyrant on them, and take over earth
anonymousover 9 years
Are you legit TFS or just a troll pretending?
Actually neither the name I wanted was taken, so this was the first thing to come to mind.Also he's my fav villain.
about 7 years
about 7 years
over 7 years
+k good taste in dinosaurs
over 7 years
+k for quality user
over 7 years
i never meant to lie to you. <3
over 7 years
*sips whiskey*
over 8 years
*sips vodka*
over 8 years
You have been stabbed by a slasher. Stabbed 5 other people or you will die next day.
deletedover 8 years
Was going to link the gambino song on your profile then I saw you had it as your video. +k buddy
over 9 years
You're rather nice for a conqueror