
By the way, this is a witch's house, but you already knew that, right?

Yo. I'm actually a Demon, not a cat, but everyone knows me as The Black Cat. This Black Cat you see here is only a suit, it's not my true shape. Ellen is my Mistress. Ellen is also a witch, you'd better don't make her upset or she'll cast a curse on you. Actually I'm not Ellen's pet. She made a contract with me and I turned her into a witch.

Do you want to make a contract with me too?

This is a list of the people who made a contract with me.

  • EraldoCoil: He asked me for the Geass. I gave him a Geass, but you must remember that the Geass changes from person to person. His Geass will allow him to choose a player in Unranked games. If that player is mafia, they will slip. I took his soul in return.
  • Prologue: I took his soul. He allowed me to devour his body in return. I also gave him a special power. But I didn't inform him about this power. Prologue, will never know how this power works.
  • azu20: She gave me her soul. I devoured her body in exchange. I also gave her a new body and a new soul because she promised to cuddle me.
  • AndThisGameWillFill: I took this Noavi's soul. I cursed this Noavi. This Noavi will be a Noavi forever. I promised to this Noavi that I will never reveal this Noavi main. I know this Noavi's main. I will karma this Noavi as soon I will be able to.
  • rudychvj: He was supposed to give me his soul. I will eat his body in exchange. He told me to have no soul and to eat his body everyday. I will. And I will take his ginger too.
  • Chibisan: I just took her soul. Her body is safe because she asked me to become a Barian. She's the 8th Barian now. The associated numbers xyz are: 17, C107 and 102. Also, she will always lose against Madolche Decks.
  • mimerafm: He sold me his soul. He asked for 120 tokens in exchange. I devoured his body because this wish was too greedy. Your soul is in my paws now.
  • snaxer: I promised to eat his body. He gave me his soul in exchange. Actually I didn't specify I will eat his whole body. I will eat only half body. It's more painful. He will receive a broken ps4 from Santa Claus. That was his wish.
  • Yoggi: I took that soul and ate that body. I need to eat more people. He asked for horns ad mad guitars. He got it. Take 'em. I don't need that.


about 10 years
1. I'm a he. 2. I'm not a her. 3. I want to know my secret power ._.
I'm sorry. They told me you were a girl. I will change. Actually I'm tempted to don't change because you noticed too late. But I will. You have to discover your power by yourself.
deletedabout 10 years
i would karma you for the totally awesome contract but you haven't played enough
about 10 years
lets be demons together hehehe
about 10 years
I want to make a contract with the demon.
about 10 years
Yes of course, I wanna make a contract with you! /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\