

so basically...i've been playing this game since the summer and I still don't know what the hell i'm doing...but i try. So forgive me if I make a stupid move or something. And please note that my intellect of this game does not reflect my intelligence in real life. holla.

Also, if I seem really quiet it's probably because I have the attention span of a 5 year old and forgot I am in the game. Either that or I am just really confused and don't know what to say.

And I hate the song "Hey There Delilah" more than anyone would ever know. remember that.

some more things about me: if i don't like you, im one of the meanest people u will ever meet...get over it

Im extremely sarcastic

i recently discovered that my eye twitches when im at school/talking about school.

lesbians and clowns scare me

one time I was in acme and some lady fell on the floor...I just walked around her.

I hate people who talk to me in a different language this is a America we speak English.

my sister is my best friend...sike that would just be weird

stupid people make me want to punch my self in the face

when people start crying around me it makes me feel extremely awkward

i do a very good impression of helen keller

I hate liars and ugly people.

I hate going to the zoo b/c the peacocks r always running around where ever the fuck they want.

I hate parents who put their kids' crappy drawings on the refrigerator. If my kid gave me a crappy piece of artwork as a gift, I'd tell them to pack up their shit and find a foster home.