
part of  family


anonymousalmost 10 years
Someone has a kuroko obsession ;)
kuruko is bae <3
about 10 years
Knee How
over 10 years
ahem. gay.
you're a dingus


16 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 25Explosion!
almost 10 years
+k for being me favorite daughter <3
deletedalmost 10 years
ur gifs give me life *^*
about 10 years
I can't inv unless you leave the fam :o but I sent it now
about 10 years
Leave ze fam come to new fam :)
about 10 years
over 10 years
omg i saw yall playing and i was gonna play but i realized i didn't refresh and yall were gone and i was sad.
over 10 years
go check out hinri
over 10 years
Invited bruh
over 10 years
y'all married or what vvvvvv
over 10 years
OH SAME FOR YOURS TOO. like i like the way it sounds. pffkjhkjhufft
over 10 years
over 10 years
AHOYHOYOHOY but my kitty face beats ur gifs so its ok
over 10 years
I was so confused as to why you calld me a poser and then.
over 10 years
omg i just realized hurry up and get points to be famfam <3333333333
over 10 years
like ni yknow?
i don't have chinese keyboard on my home laptop :c
like ni and wo.
over 10 years
i read ni and nothing else .-.
over 10 years
你是漂亮,很 kawaii desuuuuuuuuuuuuu
over 10 years
omg stop it 你
can't chinese hasn't learned enough
is like failing chinese halp
over 10 years
你是 foikin kawaii