anonymousabout 10 years
Uhm, why everytime i play with you, there is always a bed near?
I.. Um... Good question... >_> see below :P
Why do you ignore Oksus' games?
I sincerely apologise if I've been 'stealing' people, I have gvf setup on bookmark so I don't pass by lobby when I make a game, also most of the times Oksus's games are already half filled :(
You. Me. Cuddle each other in bed until we pass out. Now. <3
Yusssssss... -hops in bed- :3
okay lemme just settle this and.... HELL YEAH LETS DO THIS :D
anonymousabout 10 years
forcing yourself to like cringey people sounds miserable.
Im sorry to point out you are pretty miserable sir, wasting time posting on MY wall, if you dont like him then face him and tell him.