
in love with 
part of  family




almost 11 years
Who is prettier, Corruption or Radamanthos?
I am the prettiest bitch to ever grace this site.
almost 11 years
Are you a pretty, pretty princess?
I am the prettiest bitch to ever grace this site.
deletedalmost 11 years
hit that shit brah
I'm a future priest.
anonymousalmost 11 years
why the fuck are you in love with an under-aged bitch, nice fucking going rada, take a fucking step back
You are beyond pathetic.
anonymousalmost 11 years
then ohbby say something ;)
Verga de mono.

Created Setups

over 14 years
nicest player, de veras que eres enmergado XD
over 14 years
Pfft, you think I'm obvious mafia?! You're one to talk.
over 14 years
over 14 years
I've played with you before, you're good. +k
over 14 years
Me llamo T-bone la arrana discoteca...muneca...
over 14 years
I didnt do it! I feel sick. I must be ill!
over 14 years
Donde estas senor? No te veo!
over 14 years
Puta madreeeeeeeeeee noooooooooooooooo
over 14 years
Everyone around you deletes...I should stay away.

Puta plaga que eres.
deletedover 14 years
Bye Rada.
over 14 years
Its funny, i didnt add you because you're cool, i added you because of the manthos
deletedover 14 years
hahahaha i'm not like stupid? i still knew what you meant:p
deletedover 14 years
lol oracle honor role
deletedover 14 years
the time has come me thinks
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
over 14 years
How many rotten eggs does it take to make a stink bomb?
deletedover 14 years
lol welll luckily he was not outta breath!
deletedover 14 years
Why did Chibi delete? :(